Last Updated on July 14, 2022 by Jay
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to draw a stock chart with Python. Static charts are so 1990s, we don’t do it here. Instead, we’ll draw fully interactive charts using plotly.
UPDATED April 8, 2022 – Include a correction to hide non-trading days.
Tools Required
– AWESOME charting library
– download historical market data from Yahoo Finance
pip install plotly
pip install yfinance
Download Historical Price Data From Yahoo Finance
We are going to use the yfinance
library to download Tesla stock historical (1 year) price data. yfinance
makes it really simple to download stock price data from Yahoo Finance.
import yfinance
tsla = yfinance.Ticker('TSLA')
hist = tsla.history(period='1y')

Start With A Simple Stock Chart Using Python
In a previous tutorial, we talked about how to use Plotly Express. However, due to the complexity of our stock chart, we’ll need to use the regular plotly
to unlock its true power.
It’s kinda funny that we can use the .Scatter()
to draw a line chart. The following code draws a stock price chart using the daily Close price, also note the mode='lines'
. It’s also important to remember to .show()
the chart after plotting otherwise we can’t see them.
By the way, these charts are interactive, you can hover the mouse over the chart and see the price details.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=hist.index,y=hist['Close'], mode='lines'))

If we set the mode='markers'
, then we’ll have a regular scatter (dots) plot. There’s also another mode='lines+markers'
that shows both dots and lines like the below.
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=hist.index,y=hist['Close'], mode='lines+markers'))

Add Trading Volume To The Stock Chart
Let’s add the trading volume to the chart. To do this, we’ll need a subplot
and secondary_y
axis for the volume data.
In general, we can use the figure.add_trace()
method to add a new data series into the graph. This is something the Plotly Express has difficulty with but is very easy to achieve in plotly_objects
Note that for the primary y-axis i.e. the first figure.add_trace()
below, we need to include secondary_y=False
, or leave it blank (so that it will default to False
). For the secondary y-axis, we need to specify that secondary_y=True
in the add_trace
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
fig2 = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])

Although the volume data is on the secondary y-axis (see the label on the right-hand side), some of the bars are way too long and are covering the stock price graph. Let’s scale the volume bars down a little bit by setting a range for the y-axis. We can use the figure.update_yaxes()
method to do that. Also, I’m going to hide the number labeling for the volume data. Again, note that we need to specify that we are operating on the secondary y-axis by setting secondary_y=True
in the below code.
fig2.update_yaxes(visible=False, secondary_y=True)

Candlestick Chart
So really, who looks at a line chart for stocks? Pros look at only the candlestick chart!
No problem, we can do it in the candlestick style. Instead of using the Scatter()
plot and passing the ‘Close’ price to the y-axis, now we need to specify each of ‘open’, ‘high’, ‘low’ and ‘close’, also known as the “ohlc”.
fig3 = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])

It’s interesting because, with the Candlestick chart, we now have another smaller chart at the bottom, this is actually called a “range slider”, and we can drag either side to zoom in/out on a certain area of the chart.
Let’s also add back the volume information to the chart. I don’t think the range slider is particularly useful in this case, so I’m going to hide it by using the figure.update_layout()
fig3.add_trace(go.Bar(x=hist.index, y=hist['Volume'], name='Volume'),secondary_y=True)
We’ll draw a simple indicator 20 Day Moving Average here to show the concept, theoretically, we can plot any indicator on the chart.
provides convenient ways to calculate time series-related metrics such as the moving average. The df.rolling()
method provides “moving windows” that we can operate on. To get the average of the moving window, we just need to add the .mean()
at the end of the rolling()
fig3.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=hist.index,y=hist['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean(),marker_color='blue',name='20 Day MA'))
fig3.add_trace(go.Bar(x=hist.index, y=hist['Volume'], name='Volume'),secondary_y=True)
fig3.update_layout(title={'text':'TSLA', 'x':0.5})
fig3.update_yaxes(visible=False, secondary_y=True)
fig3.update_layout(xaxis_rangeslider_visible=False) #hide range slider
We are also going to modify the volume a little bit. Right now the volume bars all have the same color. We can use different colors to distinguish between an up or down day – green for up days, and red for down days.
To do that, we just need to calculate the daily change (positive or negative) then insert a color column into our dataframe. Then we can pass the color information into the volume data series. The marker
argument dictates how our scatter plot should look like – color, shape, size, etc.
hist['diff'] = hist['Close'] - hist['Open']
hist.loc[hist['diff']>=0, 'color'] = 'green'
hist.loc[hist['diff']<0, 'color'] = 'red'

To put everything together:
fig3 = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])
fig3.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=hist.index,y=hist['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean(),marker_color='blue',name='20 Day MA'))
fig3.add_trace(go.Bar(x=hist.index, y=hist['Volume'], name='Volume', marker={'color':hist['color']}),secondary_y=True)
fig3.update_yaxes(visible=False, secondary_y=True)
fig3.update_layout(xaxis_rangeslider_visible=False) #hide range slider
fig3.update_layout(title={'text':'TSLA', 'x':0.5})

You might notice that in the above graph, 20 D MA didn’t start from the beginning. That’s because we need 20 days to calculate the first moving average, therefore the first 19 days are essentially blank.
Hide Non-trading Days
Stock markets close on weekends and holidays, so there’s no data for those periods. The above chart looks all fine but you kind of see small gaps on the bars at the bottom. If we zoom in more, you’ll see them more clearly.

Thanks Dan for suggesting this correction! Let’s now fix this.
Plotly charts have a rangebreaks attribute that we can use to hide certain time periods. This works on both x-axis and y-axis. Also note this attribute is not unique to the candlestick chart, so you can use it to block off time periods for any type of chart with datetime data.
All we need is to add another update_axes(rangebreaks=[…]) to the above code, just before the
- bounds = [‘sat’, ‘mon’] will hide Saturdays and Sundays
- bounds = [16, 9.5] will hide between 4pm to 9:30am, which are market closed hours
- values = [“2021-12-25″,”2022-01-01”] can hide individual days
fig3.update_xaxes(rangebreaks = [
dict(bounds=['sat','mon']), # hide weekends
#dict(bounds=[16, 9.5], pattern='hour'), # for hourly chart, hide non-trading hours (24hr format)
dict(values=["2021-12-25","2022-01-01"]) #hide Xmas and New Year
The result is a much smoother graph without gaps.

Save Plotly Chart
We can save our stock chart in HTML form, which means all the interactive features will be retained in the graph.
Although our graph is interactive, it’s still lacking something. For example, if we want to draw a chart for another stock, we have to change the stock ticker inside the code and re-run it. In other words, our graph is not fully interactive yet. With Dash, we can create a graph that takes stock tickers as input and draw the chart accordingly.
These charts are not valid for most stock symbols because they only trade on weekdays and exclude certain holidays. Your graphs show gaps for these non trading days.
When you show periods of data, the gaps are not noticeable. If you plot say one months data, the gaps are glaringly obvious. If you try to plot a linear regressions or other technical analysis results, the results will be incorrect.
Can you code a correction for this?
Hi Dan,
Thank you for stopping by and suggesting the correction. The article has been updated to include this fix. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Have a great weekend!
hay jay ,
thanks for this informative piece , however , what changes should be made to the above code if I want to apply to n instruments , let say closing prices of tesla and their other competitors with listed stocks as well but on the same chart , or any other characteristic , say volume of n stocks or ETFs but on the same plot
Hi Allen,
Thanks for your question.
To add new visuals on the same chart, simply use
For example, in the article, I showed how to add a line chart, a bar chart, and a candlestick. Hope this helps!
Gret tutorial! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Do you happen to know if it is possible to enable autoscaling for the rangeslider?
I saw that it was implemented in plotly.js:
But I wasn’t able to find it for python.
Anyway the plot as it is is great already and it helped me a lot.
Hi Philipp, thanks for your message.
I’m not aware of any native support from for the autoscaling. I do have some idea on how to implement it but haven’t tried it yet. I’ll report back when I have a concrete answer.
That said, there’s a quick trick that might help you temporarily. Just add this line in the code:
fig3.update_layout(yaxis_fixedrange = False)
Basically, it will allow you to zoom in/out on the yaxis and update the yaxis values according. You have to use the mouse to select a range on the main chart for the zooming though.
Hope that helps, and stay tuned I’ll post about the autoscaling if I can make it work!
Hi Jay,
Thanks for this good job
This post is awesome, Jay! Thanks for sharing, but when I did the step to remove the distance on the chart, I got an error like this:
Sets the line color of the zero line.
Zero linewidth
Sets the width (in px) of the zero line. ”
This is my GitHub, can you take a look at it for me…
Thank u so much!